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Welcome from Head of School

Dear Noor-Ul-Iman Families,
Asalaamu alaikum! It’s my honor to welcome you to the 2023-2024 school year. Noor-Ul-Iman School is a gift from Allah جل جلاله to us–a place where our children grow up in iman and taqwa, loving Allah جل جلاله and His Messenger صلى الله عليه وسلم. Our beloved Messenger صلى الله عليه وسلم said, “the united community is mercy.” He صلى الله عليه وسلم also said, “Whoever desires the best place in paradise must stick closely to the community.” As moralities diverge and our society questions its very identity, we find our children surrounded by messaging and ideas that are far from the fitra and from all that is good.  From Netflix to Disney to Steam, moral challenges are hurled at them that challenge them to their core. This is where we come in, together as parents and school, giving them encouragement, praise, and a safe haven.

Watching our kids day to day, I am so proud of them. It reminds me of the Prophet’s صلى الله عليه وسلم saying that, “there are seven whom Allah will shade with His shade on the day when there is no shade except His shade.” He صلى الله عليه وسلم says they are the youth who grow up in the worship of Allah جل جلاله, the ones who resist the attraction of the opposite gender for Allah’s sake, the Muslims who love each other for Allah’s sake, and the ones whose hearts are attached to the masjid. With Allah’s جل جلاله help, our students will be all of these.

This year, we will focus our efforts on strengthening our stellar academic program while focusing on the theme of “Muslim Heroes”--highlighting men and women from our past and present that our young people should look up to and emulate. In our elementary division we are introducing innovative curricular programming, in middle school an exciting new Islamic Studies curriculum, and in high school new course offerings such as AP Chemistry, computer science, and a new Urdu program.
My door is always open and I look forward to our partnership. I will have weekly office hours and encourage you to stop by. Bismillah!

Dr. Tammy Elmansoury, Head of School